9 research outputs found

    The method of spectral analysis of the determination of random digital signals

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    The methods of spectral analysis based on the use of any model to describe the signal are considered in the article, while using them some assumptions about the behavior of the signal outside the observation interval are made.  The task of spectral analysis or evaluation, in this case, is to find the parameters of the model used, which is selected based on the available a priori information about the studied process.A new spectral analysis method is proposed, which uses the partially classical Prony method, and this method has been improved by replacing the damping sine wave with the use of damped sine wave.Replacing damped sine wave with the use of non-damped sine wave, allows you to very accurately isolate the signal and determine its characteristics against the background of very rich in interference with air space, against the background of radio devices that work legally. For the first time, a fast conversion algorithm was applied to solve the normal equations for finding variables to sequentially determine the parameters of random short-term signals such as amplitude, frequency, and phase.  It is suggested to determine not only static parameters but also the rate of change of these parameters.  Speed of change of parameters allows determining more carefully the signal of the means of silent receiving of information.Modeling of processes of determination of random short-term pulses simulating digital signals of the means of silent receiving of information is carried out, on the basis of the proposed method of spectral analysis, the simulation results are presented in the form of three-dimensional graphs.The main difference is the use not only of the analysis of the amplitude, frequency, phase, and spectrum of the signal but the main analysis of the spectral density of the signal.Analyzes of the simulation result fully confirm the advantages of the proposed method for the determination of random short-term pulses

    Формалізований опис особи, що навчається в системі дистанційного навчання вищого військового навчального закладу

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    Мета роботи: є розробка (удосконалення) моделі дистанційного навчання, що дозволить підвищити якість освітнього процесу ВВНЗ та досягти необхідних показників якості навчання з використанням системи дистанційного навчання. Дизайн/Метод/Підхід дослідження: для реалізації мети дослідження запропоновано модель, що враховує особисті інтелектуальні, морально-психологічні, розумові, лінгвістичні, моторні, психо-фізіологічні та інші властивості суб'єктів навчання, а також особливості подання навчального матеріалу на різних етапах навчання та за умов його неповноти і апріорної невизначеності. Результати дослідження: розглянуті етапи побудови апарату формалізації для подання моделі особи, що навчається з використанням системи дистанційного навчання в умовах обмежених можливостей щодо подання навчальної інформації та ліміту часу на набуття необхідних компетентностей. Теоретична цінність дослідження: за результатами дослідження отримане формалізоване подання процесу навчання в системі дистанційного навчання та його основні складові. Практична цінність апарат формалізації дозволяє враховувати особисті інтелектуальні, морально-психологічні, розумові, лінгвістичні, моторні, психо-фізіологічні та інші властивості суб’єктів навчання, що дозволить найбільш ефективно досягнути цілей процесу підготовки фахівців. Оригінальність/Цінність дослідження: цінність дослідження полягає в його практичній значущості для подальших досліджень у напрямі розроблення (удосконалення) моделі дистанційного навчання, що дозволить підвищити якість освітнього процесу ВВНЗ та досягти необхідних показників якості навчання з використанням системи дистанційного навчання. Майбутні дослідження: одним з основних недоліків інформаційного моделювання процесів автоматизованого навчання є необхідність дотримуватися припущення щодо адитивності інформаційної міри, що практично не завжди є справедливим. Тип статті: теоретичний

    Шляхи і принципи розвитку технологічного базису зенітного ракетного озброєння

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    On the basis of analysis of world progress of technologies trends the structure of technological base, necessary for creation and production in Ukraine of the modern anti-aircraft missile systems (complexes) is substantiated. It is shown that basis of this technological base is made by the aggregate of food and productive technologies, describing the look of component parts (battle and technical facilities) of anti-aircraft rocket weapons, has a difficult structure and is based on achievements of scientific and technical progress in the different areas of knowledge. Principles over of development of technological base are brought and critical technologies, development of which will allow to create scientifically-technological reserves which can be fixed in basis of development and production in Ukraine of perspective systems (complexes) of the next generation anti-aircraft rocket weapon are presented.На основе анализа мировых тенденций развития технологий обосновывается структура технологического базиса, необходимого для создания и производства в Украине современных систем (комплексов) зенитного ракетного вооружения. Показано, что основу этого технологического базиса составляет совокупность продуктовых и производственных технологий, описывающих облик составных частей (боевых и технических средств) зенитного ракетного вооружения, имеет сложную структуру и базируется на достижениях научно-технического прогресса в разных областях знаний. Приведены принципы развития технологического базиса и определены критические технологии, развитие которых позволит создать научно-технологические заделы, которые могут быть положены в основу разработки и производства в Украине перспективных систем (комплексов) зенитного ракетного вооружения следующего поколения.На основі аналізу світових тенденцій розвитку технологій обґрунтовується структура технологічного базису, необхідного для створення і виробництва в Україні сучасних систем (комплексів) зенітного ракетного озброєння. Показано, що основу цього технологічного базису складають сукупності продуктових і виробничих технологій, які визначають обрис складових частин (бойових і технічних засобів) зенітного ракетного озброєння, мають складну структуру і базуються на досягненнях науково-технічного прогресу у різних галузях знань. Наведені принципи розвитку технологічного базису і визначені критичні технології, розвиток яких дозволить створити науково-технологічні заділи, які можуть бути покладені в основу розробки і виробництва в України перспективних систем (комплексів) зенітного ракетного озброєння наступного поколінн

    Specific Issues of Assessment of Helicopters Security at the Test Stage

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    The process of testing any military aircraft, including helicopters, is to obtain the parameters (flight characteristics) that characterize this sample, and compare them with the parameters specified in the request for proposal.  One of the key requirements for the protection system of modern helicopters is to reduce their thermal visibility, which is successfully implemented through the installation of screen-exhaust devices.  The main characteristics of screen-exhaust devices contain a range of parameters and factors that not only require a comprehensive approach to assessing their effectiveness, but also constantly changing in the light of new developments in this area.  Therefore, the question of improving the methods of assessment of the subsystem of screen-exhaust devices at the stage of testing the helicopter is quite relevant. Assessment of compliance of the helicopter with the installed screen-exhaust devices to the requirements of the tactical and technical task, at the testing stage, is impossible without a separate method, the use of which will provide a unified approach to determining the effectiveness of protection at pre-design and early design stages of development (modernization)  also when testing protection systems of modernized and newest models of helicopter equipment. Many scientific researches and publications, both in Ukraine and abroad, have been paid attention to the problem of assessing the security of helicopters by reducing thermal visibility.  But existing approaches do not fully take into account modern protection systems, such as screen-exhaust devices, which limits their use in testing new and upgraded models of helicopters. Given the current development of technology, there is a logical question of assessing the security of helicopters, taking into account the contribution of the subsystem of screen-exhaust devices of the protection system at the stage of their testing. The article analyzes the main components that determine the order of selection of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the helicopter protection system, taking into account the contribution of the subsystem of screen-exhaust devices. The analysis of the hierarchical structure of the helicopter, presented in the form of a complex technical system, which consists of elements that determine its properties. Ways to improve the methods of assessing the contribution of screen-exhaust devices to the overall protection system of the helicopter during the tests are proposed. According to the research results, a method of helicopter security assessment is proposed taking into account the contribution of the screen-exhaust device subsystem of the protection system, which allows to determine the weakest properties of the subsystem, assess its overall level, characterized by a set of indicators and develop measures to improve helicopter security

    Methodical Approach to the Substantiation of the Indicators of the Anti-aircraft Missile System (Complex) Fire Power

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    The results of the research published in the article will be useful for logistic support specialists who are involved in the creation (modernization) of the samples of weapons and military equipment. A methodical approach to substantiating the firepower requirements of a promising anti-aircraft missile system (system) is presented, which provides for the assessment of the components of firepower – search capabilities, firepower and fire resource, taking into account the intensity of the air attack, range and conditions of use of the complex (systems) for each type of goal. A list of indicators of firepower is given, namely, the average time of detection and recognition, the intensity of reconnaissance of targets, the density of the flow of missile launches (rate of fire), the preparation time of the first launch, the probability of hitting a target, and the average consumption of missiles per target. It is shown that the firepower indicators of a promising anti-aircraft missile system (system) at a given level of protection should be determined provided that it is necessary to defeat a selected group of air targets with a probability of not lower than a given level. The requirements for the firepower of a promising anti-aircraft missile system (system) can be substantiated using a complex of mathematical models that provide the opportunity to study scenarios of conflict-information interaction of a promising anti-aircraft missile system (system) and air targets in the form of a simulation machine experiment. It is shown that, based on the simulation results, the indicators of search capabilities, fire performance and fire resource of a promising anti-aircraft missile complex (system), as well as the mathematical expectation of the number of people hit by the whole when the ammunition load of anti-aircraft guided missiles installed on launchers are used, should be determined

    The Problem Solution of the Surface-to-air Missile Systems Electronic Equipment Durability Prediction When Implementing the Strategy of Condition-based Maintenance and Repair Using the Group Method of Data Handling

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    The possibilities of application of known methods for estimating the life to the task of forecasting the ultimate state of radio-electronic means of the surface-to-air missile system during the operation status of the requested technical. A procedure for constructing a mathematical model of change of reliability in service with the Group Method of Data Handling, which is more fully into account the specific characteristics of radio-electronic means of the surface-to-air missile system and considers the possibility of use as basic data for the creation of models not uniformly precise results of estimation of an indicator of non-equal exact measuring to operational supervision

    Methods of Determining the Priority of Research Projects in the Field of Development of Armament and Military Equipment

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    The results of the research published in the article will be useful for researchers and logistic support specialists who are involved in creation of samples of armament and military equipment. The article considers the methodology for the selection and assessment of research projects focused on practical use in planning and implementing innovative processes in the development of armament and military equipment. The methodology establishes a general procedure for forming a list of research projects according to their priority (importance), which must be carried out within the framework of the State Defense Order. The methodology is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the expected results of research projects and their purpose. To formalize a generalized indicator of the quality of research results, it is proposed to use a point method for ranking alternatives according to a set of basic criteria. The proposed method is distinguished by a high degree of versatility and flexibility, the ability to form a group or groups of experts with different properties. It has a high degree of adaptability to the influence of various factors of the design environment and the ability to integrate with other scientific methods. It is shown that the proposed method of assessing the priority of research work can be used in any other branch of science, as well as at the level of individual scientific organizations, not only to assess planned research work, but also for cross-sectoral comparisons, monitoring efficiency scientific activity. The results of forecasting the implementation of the developed methodology for forming a list of priority projects of research topics indicate an increase in research efficiency, accelerated implementation of scientific developments in practice, optimization of research costs in the field of armament and military equipment

    Method of Increasing the Reliability of Knowledge-oriented Systems Software Through Code Reuse Mechanisms

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    The issues of possibility of application of the code reuse mechanism in the process of designing and developing software of knowledge-oriented systems have been considered. The necessity of an individual research on the development of software for analytical and information resources that provide support to all participants in the process of knowledge-oriented systems software development has been proved. The necessity of using the mechanisms of reuse of previously developed and verified program code as an element of the information resource has been shown. In frame of the developed method of improving the reliability of knowledge-oriented systems software through the of code reuse mechanisms, a new visual form of function libraries representation in the shape of a single software shell has been proposed. As a basic framework for solving the problem of information resource development, usage of Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is based on the paradigm of object-oriented programming has been proposed. Mentioned choice is justified by the fact that UML is an integral part of a unified software development process and is essentially an open standard that uses graphical notation to create an abstract model of the system. The obtained theoretical provisions are imaged into a running example, which shows one of the possible options for organizing libraries of functions as an element of the information resource. The use case diagrams, interaction diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams have been developed and justified. Based on the obtained practical results, a block diagram of the method, which, in contrast to existing solutions, includes a procedure for generating of proofreads for basic UML-diagrams in accordance with requirements of the programming environments has been proposed